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In Search of the Source



In Search of the Source, by Neil Anderson, with Hyatt Moore (Multnomah Press, Portland, Oregon, USA, 1992. Out of print, but available from Wycliffe Bible Translators, price in pounds: 3.25)

Not many of us will have the privilege or opportunity of visiting remote places with dense rain forest populated by unsophisticated peoples, and such is the country of Papua New Guinea. Neil Anderson, however, takes us on a virtual reality journey of exploration recounting descriptively and graphically its forests, simple people, their struggle for a livelihood and their deep-seated traditional fears and taboos. He also writes most vividly, leading us through his, and his wife Carol's, years of painstaking work with the Wycliffe Bible Translators, ably helped by the enthusiastic local Christians, to come to grips with the language of the Folopa people and bring them a translation of parts of the Old and New Testament.

He writes: "The Folopa people are not concerned with getting back to basics. They never left." For them the basic concept and source for everything is Bete, the "verb of being, the most basic metaphor in the entire language." This book is not just an account of Neil and Carol's life with the Folopa, nor a travelogue through Papua New Guinea, nor an interesting look at a different people, nor even a study of coming to grips with religious and cultural ideas. It is all this and far more, one of the most interesting missionary books I have read for a long time combining so many strands, well-written, and including fresh insights into scripture truths as they are unpacked for the Folopa and yet which brought a new thrill to me too. "But when we came to that part where God gave proof to all men by raising one Man from the dead, it all came together. God knows us. He knows our legend. Now the legend makes sense, and best of all, because of what God has done through Jesus Christ, it is fulfilled. They were exhilarated beyond words with the massive discovery that God had been with them all along, that He had left His footprints where they had never seen them before. From that moment on, the Bible became their book."
