Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 03:27:51 -0600 From: Craig Reynolds Subject: anti-theists Was just browsing along using an "Ibid" search and ran across your anti-theists page. I feel that the free-will debate wasn't boiled down far enough. Just to have my quick say. 1. God gave man free-will. The ability to make his own choices, non-predetermined. 2. Free-will is an impossibility. All choices were affected by all previous actions and your personal make-up. Genetics and your personal experiences to date. Wether I choose to run a red light or not, is totally dependant on the surrounding circumstances as well as lessons learned in the past. 3. If God is omniscient and omnipotent, then at the moment of Creation he knew all about me, the trials I would face and the decisions I would make. As well as why I made them. It is predetermined. 4. If God doesn't know, he is not omniscient. If he does know, then he has predetermined my path. If I am an evil sinner, he knew long before I came into existence. Even if he did exist, as stated above, then I certainly wouldn't have any respect for him. Craig A. Reynolds