HTML> The University of Alabama in Huntsville, HONORS 399-01 "Quiz04")
Science and Religion PREFLIGHT

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The following questions refer to the material you were to read in preparation for the lesson.

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Science and Religion

Initially, Darwin's theory of evolution was supported by many Christians, including Asa Gray (author of Gray's Anatomy) and B.B. Warfield, an orthodox theologian at Princeton University. However Warfield's colleague, Charles Hodge opposed evolutionary theory on philosophical grounds. Those early debates are important, because they reflect in almost pure form, the philosophical basis for accepting or rejecting the theory.

Summarize the Christian defense of Darwin from the late 1800's, and Hodge's objection.

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Lamarck's theory that the struggle to survive caused living things to impart to their progeny changes reflecting that struggle. E.g., giraffes have long necks because they strain for leaves in the tops of the trees. This form of evolution was denied by the neo-Darwinists, who placed the source of change in the genes, hidden away in the cell nucleus, and impervious to the stress of life.

Recent laboratory experiments suggest, however, that an organism *can* make changes to its genome, turning genes on and off that are inherited by the next generation. Although this view is an anathema to neo-Darwinists, would it have been supported by Charles Darwin himself? Why?

Below is a space for your thoughts, including general comments about today's assignment (what seemed impossible, what reading didn't make sense, what we should spend class time on, what was "cool", etc.):

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button.

I received no help from anyone on this assignment.