Acceleration PREFLIGHT

Please type your first name: Please type your LAST NAME: IN:

The following three questions refer to the material you were to read in preparation for the lesson.

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page. Don't submit more than once. (If you absolutely HAVE to resubmit it, put a note on the end to that effect.)

1. Multiple Choice

What is the correct relationship between these 3 vectors?
B - A = C
A + B = C
A - B = C
A + B = -C
Other (please explain below)

2. Range

Projectile motion has been important since before David killed a famous giant with a slingshot. To get the maximum distance (range), at what angle should David unleash the rock? Would this angle change if the target (Goliath) were at a higher elevation than David? Lower elevation?

honors extra

I just moved to Illinois from Alabama, and packed my belongings into 120 boxes. Sometimes things just wouldn't fit. What is the longest curtain rod I can pack into a 1 meter cubical box? How many curtain rods of that length can I pack in the box? What is the angle between curtain rods? (Hint: use vectors to describe the curtain rods and take the dot product.)

Below is a space for your thoughts, including general comments about today's assignment (what seemed impossible, what reading didn't make sense, what we should spend class time on, what was "cool", etc.):

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button.

I received no help from anyone on this assignment.