Circular Acceleration PREFLIGHT

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The following three questions refer to the material you were to read in preparation for the lesson.

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page. Don't submit more than once. (If you absolutely HAVE to resubmit it, put a note on the end to that effect.)

Amusement Park Physics

Start physlet.

A Ferris wheel rotates at constant speed as shown in the animation. Each square represents a chair on the Ferris wheel. What applied forces act on a rider when the rider is at point (a), (x,y) = (0,-6)?
Normal force upward, weight downward.
Normal force upward, weight downward, centripetal force upward. Review Section 5-2 in Giancoli.
Normal force upward, weight downward, centripetal force downward.
Normal force downward, weight downward, centripetal force upward.
Other (please explain below)

honors extra


I was attending a conference in Colorado, and scheduled a flight to Aspen. The secretary would not fly into that airport, but preferred to drive from Denver. When I took the flight and approached the airport, I discovered why. The turboprop plane banked sharply, seeming to stand on one wing, and then dropped like a rock onto the runway. Why did the plane bank so sharply? What is the formula for the banking angle of the airplane given the airspeed and radius of the turn? Does this explain the turboprop bank (versus a 747, say.)?

Below is a space for your thoughts, including general comments about today's assignment (what seemed impossible, what reading didn't make sense, what we should spend class time on, what was "cool", etc.):

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button.

I received no help from anyone on this assignment.