Analytical Mechanics Spring 2003, Test 3

Problem 1:

A hoop of mass m and radius R rolls without slipping down a wedge of mass M and angle α, that can slide frictionlessly on a table.
(a) What are the Lagrangian equations of motion?
(b) What are the generalized momenta?
(c) What are the Hamiltonian equations of motion?

(a) A picture really helps here. I refer you to the book for the picture. Let's write down the kinetic energy in Cartesian coordinates, and then convert them later to generalized coordinates that are more convenient. The reason for this is that our kinetic energy coordinates should be orthogonal, or we've counted the same motion twice. I know Cartesian are orthogonal, so I'm safe.
T = Ttranslation + Trotation
T = 1/2 m [(vx-VX)2 + vy2] + 1/2 I ω2 + 1/2 M VX2
where vx is the speed of hoop relative to the wedge, and VX is the speed of the wedge relative to the fixed tabletop.
Using the coordinate system of ξ-S, where S is the distance along the wedge, and ξ is the table-top inertial coordinate system, we have:
y = -S sinα
S = Rθ
vx = S' cosα
Then we can convert our kinetic energy into:
T = 1/2 m [ (S' cosα - ξ')2 + (S' sinα)2] + 1/2 mR2(S'/R)2 + 1/2 M ξ'2
The potential energy, starting from the top of the wedge;
U = mgy = -mgS sinα
Finally, L = T - U, and our two Euler equations are: (b) The generalized momenta are found by taking dL/dq' = p, So (c) The Hamiltonian equations of motion are found by, q' = dH/dp, and -p'= dH/dq, so