Science and Religion PREFLIGHT

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The following questions refer to the material you were to read in preparation for the lesson.

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page. Don't submit more than once. (If you absolutely HAVE to resubmit it, put a note on the end to that effect.)

Darwin's Purpose

We have seen how Darwin found an explanation of purpose that changed "design" into merely the appearance of design. Or to state it another way, that took Aquinas' chain of causality that led to a first cause, and made the entire chain loop back on itself so that randomness is responsible for order. Mathematically, this supposes that time and chance will eventually produce information. The alternate view, (you can also see the website by Hill Roberts), is that the improbability of order is better described as designed by a designer. In a few sentences, explain the following several features of observed order from both perspectives: (Several of these categories are discussed in the resources ID and WT, as well as WWW search engines.)

honors extra

The Bible contains some arguments from nature in the book of Job, which is dated roughly 1000 BC. These arguments are hard to interpret, because they are phrased in the form of a question whose answer is not known. Nevertheless, we might take them to argue for the existence of God and God's rule as observed in creation. Use the categories of design versus accident to interpret Job 39:13-18. What is the passage saying about inferences drawn from nature?
(Some information can be found JOB website.)

Below is a space for your thoughts, including general comments about today's assignment (what seemed impossible, what reading didn't make sense, what we should spend class time on, what was "cool", etc.):

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button.

I received no help from anyone on this assignment.