Welcome to PHYSICS 113

16 May 2000


Lecture 4:00-5:40 Tu-Th in Room C113, MatSci Bldg


Rob Sheldon

Office Hours:

TBA, Room 348 Optics Bldg


UAH:890 6276 x348
MSFC:544 1652
email: sheldonr@uah.edu

Teaching Assistant:


Fundamentals of Physics, Extended, 5th edition
Halliday, Resnick and Walker
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NY

Course Description:

Physics 113 is the third and final installment in the series of survey courses of physics, and is the introduction to waves, optics, and modern physics. The course covers the basics of electromagnetic and sound waves, geometrical optics, physical optics (interference and diffraction), special relativity, quantum and nuclear physics.

Students are expected to be familiar with the units of quantities discussed in PH111 and PH112, with the ability to solve problems using algebra, trigonometry and basic calculus.

There will be some computer calculation assignments during the course to help support the theories presented. These assignments can be completed using any computer program or package capable of calculating equations and plotting results, including MS Excel, Mathematica, Mathcad, Maple, Origin, IDL, etc. Detailed instructions will be included with the assignments. Students are encouraged to use the physics department's computer laboratory in OB249 or any other convenient computer for their work.


We are trying out a new teaching style that tries to use the WWW as a fast-response feedback loop. Before each class, a Quiz will be posted on the WWW, which must be completed before 3:00 PM on the day that it is assigned. If it turns out to be possible to grade the Quizzes faster, I will post a change to the due date time. PLEASE do not try to take the quiz after the deadline time, I will not be able to accept it. These quizzes will form the basis of the following lecture. A web site describing this approach can be found at the JiTT Website.


The final grade will be derived from:
In addition to the Homework will be all the in-class quizzes and "Pre-Flights" that will be prepared on the web. Exams and homework will both be scaled up so that the class average represents 75%. (No scaling will be done if the average is above 75%). That is, if the class average is 65, and you make a 70, then your recorded grade will be 70 * (75/65) = 81. This scaling then allows me to use an absolute scale for letter grades:
Note that beginning in 2000, the "F" grade is replaced with a "N/C" for all 100-level physics courses. That is, failing will no longer reduce your GPA, but it will be treated as if you had withdrawn.

Tentative Lecture Schedule:

1May 1617Waves I Quiz A 17:12,27,29,43,57,62
1May 1818Waves I,II Quiz B 18:11,22,40,56,62,96Chap 17
2May 2318Waves II Quiz C
2May 2534EM Waves Quiz D 34:32,47,56,72,84,87Chap 18
3May 3034EM Waves Quiz E
3Jun 135Geom Optics Quiz F 35:10,16,20,34,42,50Chap 34
4Jun 635Geom Optics Quiz G
4Jun 8xx** Test 1 ** Quiz H Test 1Chap 35
5Jun 1336Test Review Quiz I 36:11,30,52,70,78a-c,d-f
5Jun 1536Interference Quiz J 37:13,32,43,59,69,79Chap 36
6Jun 2037Int & Diffraction Quiz K
6Jun 2238Diff&Relativity Quiz L 38:17,23,32,38,59,66Chap 37
7Jun 2738Relativity & Quantum I Quiz M 39:10,42,58,67,78,83
7Jun 2939Quantum I Quiz N 40:14,21,27,34,46,49Chap 38
8Jul 4xx*HOLIDAY ** Quiz O Chap 39
8Jul 640Quantum II Quiz P Chap 40
9Jul 11xx** Test 2 ** Quiz Q Test 2
9Jul 1341Atoms NoQuiz41:13,22,24,42,56,62Chap 41
10Jul 1842Atoms & Solids NoQuiz42:22,32,35,42,47,49
10Jul 2042Solids Quiz T Chap 42
11Jul 2543Nuclear I Quiz U 43:22,41,50,63,71,80
11Jul 2744Nuclear I,II Quiz V 44:10,21,30,44,51,54Chap 43
12Aug 144Nuclear II NoQuiz Chap 44
12Aug 345 Quiz W Chap 45
13Aug 8Test Review
13Thu, Aug 10xx**Final Exam ** 3:00-5:30


Assigned for each chapter. Due the following period after completing the chapter or when the next homework is assigned. To receive full credit, answers must be submitted on time. Doing these problems is part of the process and I know that you will often work with other students. Do so as a participant, not just a passenger! Late homework will be assessed a penalty of 30% past due date.

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