Dr. Robert B. Sheldon

Torch Technologies,
4090 S. Mem. Pkwy.
Huntsville, AL 35802

513 Bain Dr.,
Huntsville, AL 35803
(due to spamming, edit out the asterisk)


ThM Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia All-But-Dissertation 2014 NT
PhD University of Maryland, College Park 1990 Physics
MA Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia 1985 Religion
MS University of Maryland, College Park 1982 Physics
BS Wheaton College, Wheaton IL 1981 Physics

Experience in Private Sector

1981 (summer) IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Research Assistant
1983--1984 L.T.Klauder & Assoc. Engineering Consultants, Programmer
2005--2007 USRA consultant on NASA preparations for exploration of lunar water
2011--2013 Grassmere Dynamics LLC., consultant on Fission, Fusion, Plasma Rocket Engines
2015--2016 Grassmere Dynamics LLC., consultant on Optics
2016--Now Torch Technologies, analyst/physicist.

Experience in Government & DoD Contracting

1986--2016 NASA contractor, proposal writer, data analyst, instrument builder.
2016--Secret Clearance received.
2016--2019 Set up the Advanced Projector Test Lab (APTL) at AMRDEC.
2016--2019 Research, whitepapers on advanced photonic technology.
2016--2018 Designed, operated, diagnosed, repaired 3D printer for optical hardware.
2017--2018 Researched, calibrated, modelled 100kHz laser steering technology.
2017--2018 Calibrated, displayed, wrote software for Quanergy Lidar sensor in ROS.
2019–2020 Calibrated, modelled, optimized Lidar advanced sensors: linear APD and SPD (GMAPD).
2020-2021 Calculated, simulated, prototyped magnetically levitating permanent magnet technology
2021-2024 Analyst on HAMRS project, demonstrating single-satellite (bearings only) tracking
2023-2024 Implemented ranging camera using engineered double-helix point-spread function

Experience in Satellite Hardware and Space Physics

Books & Patents

  1. Laser Satellite Communication: the 3rd generation. Greenwood, 2000. This book records a business plan that would make satellite telecommunications affordable by 3rd world countries, who are straining to enter the information age. The concept inverts the geosynchronous (or Iridium) satellite model and argues for a fleet of nanosats in low earth orbit. The innovative design and communication needs of such nanosats form the basis of the Patent #US5909299 "Microsatellite system for high-volume orbital telemetry", granted in 6/1/1999.
  2. HELIX patent applied for in 2003. This patent is for a very compact mass spectrometer with applications for space exploration instrumentation, as well as mass market "digital nose" technology.
  3. The Long Ascent: Genesis 1-11 in Science and Myth, Vol. 1, Wipf & Stock, 2017. First of 3 volumes describing the location of Eden in the dried Med bed between 11,900--9590 BC.
  4. The Long Ascent: Genesis 1-11 in Science and Myth, Vol. 2, Wipf & Stock, 2019. Second of 3 Volumes, describing the Flood at 9590 BC.
  5. The Long Ascent: Genesis 1-11 in Science and Myth, Vol. 3, Wipf & Stock, 2023. Third of 3 Volumes, describing pre-deluge technology.

Experience in Higher Education

2004-2006 Taylor University Proposal Consultant to Engineering Physics Dept
2003 (summer) NASA/MSFC/NSSTC/SD50 Summer Faculty Fellow
2002-2003 Wheaton College Visiting Associate Professor
1998-2002 University of Alabama in Huntsville Associate Professor
1997-1998 Boston University Senior Research Associate
1995-1997 Boston University Research Associate
1993-1995 University of Bern Physics Laboratory Associate
1986-1990 University of Maryland Research Assistant
1988-1989 Silver Spring Christian Academy High School Physics Teacher
1985-1986 University of Maryland Graduate Lab Teaching Assistant
1981-1982 University of Maryland Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Courses Taught

Secondary School:
1988-1989 Silver Spring Academy Physics. Four 10th grade girls. Conceptual Physics, Hewitt.
2012-2013 Covenant Christian Academy, Astronomy, Jack Fix's "Astronomy"
2006-2020 Covenant Christian Academy, Academic Team Coach
2017-2018 Covenant Christian Academy, High School Astronomy
1982 UMd Introductory Physics Labs. 20 students x 3 sections x 3 semesters.
1998 UAH 1st semester Calculus based Physics. 72 students. Halliday & Resnick
1999 UAH 2nd semester calculus based physics. 60 students. Halliday & Resnick
1999 UAH Electronics for Physics majors. 3 students. Fortney.
2000 UAH 3rd semester calculus based physics. 35 students. H & R
2000 UAH 3rd semester calculus based physics. 20 students. H & R
2000 UAH Introduction to Astronomy. 65 students. Kauffman.
2001 UAH Physics, Philosophy & Fundamentalism. 7 students.
2002 WC 1st semester calculus based physics. ~20 students. Giancoli
2002 WC 1st semester elementary physics lab. ~ 65 students
2002 WC Experimental Physics (design of a vacuum system). 2 students
2003 WC 2nd semester elementary physics lab. ~20 students
2003 WC Analytical Mechanics. 9 students. Marion & Thornton
2003 WC Senior Seminar. 7 students
1986 UMd Graduate Laboratory. About 15 students x 4 semesters
1995 UniBerne Graduate Laboratory.

Professional and Honorary Associations

SPIE: International Society for Optical Engineering
AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AGU: American Geophysical Union
Wheaton College Scholastic Honor Society
National Merit Scholarship Finalist

Experience in Computation

Operating systems: DOS, DEC VAX; Windows 95,98,2k,XP,Vista,7,8; Linux SCO,RedHat,Fedora,Mandrake,Ubuntu; Mac OS X, Robot Operating System
Programming Languages: BASIC, FORTRAN, Cobol, Pascal, C, Python, VRML, Forth, LaTeX, BibTeX
Packages: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Corel, Wordperfect, IDL, Linux-lookalikes, Maple, Maxima, Geant4

Selected Publications

  1. D. C. Hamilton, G. Gloeckler, F.M. Ipavich, R.A. Lundgren, R.B. Sheldon and D. Hovestadt, "A new high resolution electrostatic ion mass analyzer using time of flight", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 61, 3104-3106, (Oct 1990).
  2. R. B. Sheldon " Particle Tracing in the Magnetosphere: New Algorithms and Results", Geophys. Res. Let., 20(9) 767-770, 1993.
  3. R. B. Sheldon and D. Hamilton " Ion Transport and Loss in the Earth's Symmetric Quiet Ring Current: I. Data and Standard Model", J. Geophys. Res., 98(A8) 13,491-13,508, 1993
  4. R. B. Sheldon " Ion Transport and Loss in the Earth's Symmetric Quiet Ring Current: II. Diffusion and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling", J. Geophys. Res., 99(A4) 5705-5720, 1994
  5. R. B. Sheldon " Plasmasheet Convection into the Inner Magnetosphere During Quiet Conditions." in Solar Terrestrial Energy Program: COSPAR Colloquia Series Vol. 5 edited by D.N. Baker et al., Pergamom Press, 313-318, 1994.
  6. G. Gloeckler, H. Balsiger, P. Bochsler, A. Buergi, A.B. Galvin, J. Geiss, F. Gliem, D.C. Hamilton, T.E. Holzer, D. Hovestadt, F.M. Ipavich, E. Kirsch, R.A. Lundgren, K.W. Olgivie, R.B. Sheldon, and B. Wilken The solar wind and suprathermal ion composition investigation of the WIND spacecraft, Space Sci Rev., 71, 79, 1995.
  7. P. Bochsler, R. Sheldon, M. Gonin, Th. Zurbuchen, A.B. Galvin, G. Gloeckler, D.C. Hamilton and D. Hovestadt, "Abundances of Solar Wind Magnesium Isotopes Determined with WIND/MASS", Solar Wind Eight, Pergamom Press, 1996.
  8. C. M. S. Cohen, M.R. Collier, D.C. Hamilton, G. Gloeckler, R.B. Sheldon, R. von Steiger, B. Wilken, "Kinetic Temperature Ratios of O6+ and He2+: Observations from Wind/MASS and Ulysses/SWICS," Geophys.Res.Lett., 23, 1187-1190, 1996.
  9. M. R. Collier, D.C. Hamilton, G. Gloeckler, P. Bochsler, R.B. Sheldon, "Neon-20, Oxygen-16, and Helium-4 Densities Temperatures, and Suprathermal Tails in the Solar Wind Determined with WIND/MASS," Geophys. Res.Lett., 23, 1191-1194, 1996.
  10. A. B. Galvin, C.M.S. Cohen, F.M. Ipavich, G. Gloeckler, D.C. Hamilton, K. Chotoo, H. Balsiger, R. Sheldon, "Iron Charge States in the Solar Wind as Measured by SMS on WIND," Solar Wind Eight, Pergamom Press, 1996.
  11. R. B. Sheldon and H. E. Spence, "Alfv\'en Boundaries: Noses and Zippers", Advances in Space Research, 20,445-448, 1997.
  12. J. Fennell, B. Blake, J. Roeder, R. Sheldon and H. Spence, "Tail lobe and open field line region entries at mid to high latitudes" Advances in Space Research, 20, 431-435, 1997.
  13. D. N. Baker et al. "Recurrent Geomagnetic Storms and Relativistic Electron Enhancements in the Outer Magnetosphere: ISTP Coordinated Measurements", J. Geophys. Res., 102, 14,141-14,148, 1997.
  14. R. B. Sheldon and T. Eastman "Particle Transport in the Magnetosphere: A New Diffusion Model", Geophy. Res. Let., 24(7), 811-814, 1997.
  15. M. G. Henderson et al. "First Energetic Neutral Atom Images from POLAR/CEPPAD/IPS" Geophys.Res.Lett., 24, 1167-1170, 1997.
  16. J. Chen, T. Fritz, R. Sheldon, H. Spence, W. Spjeldvik, J. Fennell, S. Livi, "A New Temporarily Confined Population in the Polar Cap" Geophys.Res.Lett., 24, 1447-1450, 1997.
  17. J. Chen, T. Fritz, R. Sheldon, H. Spence, W. Spjeldvik, J. Fennell, S. Livi, C. Russell, and D. Gurnett, "Cusp Energetic Particle Events: Implications for a Major Acceleration Region of the Magnetosphere" J. Geophys. Res., 103, 69-78, 1998.
  18. M. R. Collier, D.C. Hamilton, G. Gloeckler, G. Ho, P. Bochsler, R. Bodmer, and R. Sheldon, "Oxygen 16 to oxygen 18 abundance ratio in the solar wind observed by Wind/MASS", J. Geophys. Res., 103, 7-14, 1998.
  19. E. Whipple, J. Halekas, J. Scudder, W. Paterson, L. Frank, R. Sheldon, N. Maynard, D. Weimer, C. Russell, K. Tsuruda, H. Hayakawa, T. Yamamoto, "Identification of magnetospheric particles that travel between spacecraft and their use to help obtain magnetospheric potential distributions", J. Geophys. Res., 103, 93-102, 1998. "
  20. R. B. Sheldon, H. E. Spence and J. F. Fennell, "The Observation of 40 keV Oxygen Beams"`, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, May 15, 1998.
  21. J. F. Fennel, M. W. Chen, J., L. Roeder, W. K. Peterson, K. J. Trattner, R. Friedel, S. Livi, M. Grande, C. Perry, T. A. Fritz, and R. Sheldon, "Multiple Discrete-Energy Ion Features in the Inner Magnetosphere: Polar Observations", in Physics of Space Plasmas, No. 15, pp 395-400, MIT Center for Theoretical Geo/Cosmo Plasma Physics, Cambridge, MA, 1998.
  22. R. B. Sheldon, H.E. Spence, J. Sullivan, T.Fritz, J.Chen, "The Discovery of Trapped Energetic Electrons in the Outer Cusp", Geophy. Res. Lett., 25, 1825, 1998.
  23. R. B. Sheldon, and H. E. Spence, "A new magnetic storm model", in Geospace Mass and Energy Flow: Results from the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program, AGU Geophysical Monograph 104, pp. 349-354, 1998.
  24. H. E. Petschek, C. Rayburn, R. Sheldon, J. Vickers, M. Bellino, G. Bevis, and H. E. Spence, The Kilo-Satellite Constellation Concept, in Science Closure and Enabling Technologies for Constellation Class Missions, V. Angelopoulos and P. Panetta, eds., Univ. of California, Berkeley Press, pp. 51-57, 1998.
  25. W. N. Spjeldvik, T.A. Fritz, R.B. Sheldon and J. Chen "Magnetic Local Time Survey of Radiation Belt Helium Ion Structure Conducted with Data from the POLAR CAMMICE/HIT Instrument", Phys. Chem. Earth (C), 24, 233-238, 1999.
  26. W. N. Spjeldvik, T. A. Fritz, J. Chen and R. B. Sheldon, "POLAR Spacecraft Observations of Helium Ion Angular Anisotropy in the Earth's Radiation Belts", Annales Geophysicae, 17, 723-733, 1999.
  27. T. A. Fritz, J. Chen, R. B. Sheldon, H. E. Spence, J. F. Fennell, S. Livi, C. T. Russell, and J. S. Pickett, "Cusp energetic particle events measured by POLAR spacecraft", Phys. and Chem. of the Earth, 24, 135, 1999.
  28. V. Jordanova, C. Farrugia, J. Quinn, R. Torbert, J. Borovsky, R. Sheldon, and W. Peterson, ``Simulation of off-equatorial ring current ion spectra measured by Polar for a moderate storm at solar minimum'', J. Geophys. Res. 104, 429--436, 1999.
  29. R. B. Sheldon, ``The Bimodal Magnetosphere and Ring Current, Radiation Belt, and Tail Transducers'', Adv. in Space Res. 25, 2347--2356, 2000.
  30. T. A. Fritz, Jiasheng Chen, and R. B. Sheldon, ``The role of the cusp as a source for magnetospheric particles: a new paradigm?", Adv. in Space Res. 25, 2000.
  31. R. B. Sheldon and S. Spurrier, ``The Spinning Terrella Experiment: Initial Results'', Physics of Plasmas, 8, 4, 1111-1118, 2001.
  32. J. Chen, T.A. Fritz, R.B. Sheldon, J.S. Pickett, and C.T. Russell, "The Discovery of a New Acceleration and Possible Trapping Region of the Magnetosphere", Adv. Space Res., 27,8, pp.1417-1422, 2001.
  33. R. B. Sheldon, E. Thomas, Jr, M.Abbas, D.Gallagher, M.Adrian and P.Craven, "Dynamic and Optical Characterization of Dusty Plasmas for Use as Solar Sails", in Space Technology and Applications International Forum-STAIF 2002 ed. M.S. El-Genk, AIP 2002
  34. M. M. Abbas, P. D. Craven, J. F. Spann, W. K. Witherow, E. A. West, D. L. Gallagher, M. L. Adrian, G. J. Fishman, D. Tankosic, A. LeClair, R. B. Sheldon, and E. Thomas Jr. "Radiation pressure measurements on micron-size individual dust grains", J. Geophys. Res., 108(A6), 1229, doi:10.1029/2002JA009744, 2003.
  35. R. B. Sheldon, J. Chen, and T.A. Fritz, "Comment on `Origins of energetic ions in the cusp' by K.J. Trattner et al.", J. Geophys. Res., 108(A7), 1302, doi:10.1029/2002JA009575, 2003.
  36. Jiashen Chen, T. A. Fritz, and R. B. Sheldon, "Comment on `MeV magnetosheath ions energized at the bow shock' by S.-W. Chang et al.", J. Geophys. Res., 108 (A8), 1311, doi:10.1029/2002JA009634, 2003.
  37. R. B. Sheldon, T.A. Fritz and J. Chen, "The Quadrupole as a Source of Cusp Energetic Particles: I. General Considerations" in Particle Acceleration in Astrophysical Plasmas: Geospace and Beyond edited by D. Gallagher, J. Horwitz, J. Perez, R. Preece, and J. Quenby, AGU Monograph Series v. 156, pp. 197-204, 2005.
  38. R. B. Hoover, E. V. Pikuta, N. C. Wickramasinghe, M. K. Wallis, R. B. Sheldon, "Astrobiology of Comets" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology VII, Hoover, Levin and Rozanov eds, Proc. Of SPIE Vol. 5555 (Bellingham, WA) pp 93-106, 2004.
  39. R. B. Sheldon and R. B. Hoover "Evidence for Liquid Water on Comets" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology VIII, Hoover, Levin, Rozanov, eds. Proc. Of SPIE Vol 5906A (Bellingham, WA) pp. 196-206, 2005.
  40. R. B. Sheldon "Historical Development of the Distinction between Bio- and Abiogenesis" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology VIII, Hoover, Levin, Rozanov, eds. Proc. Of SPIE Vol 5906A (Bellingham, WA) pp. 444-456, 2005.
  41. R. L. Clark and R. B. Sheldon "Dusty Plasma Based Fission Fragment Nuclear Reactor" in Proc. of 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE JPC, AIAA paper #2005-4460, 2005.
  42. J. Chen, T. A. Fritz and R. B. Sheldon "Comparison of energetic ions in cusp and outer radiation belt", J. Geophys Res. 110, A12219, doi:10.1029/2004JA010718, 2005.
  43. J. Chen, T. A. Fritz and R. B. Sheldon "Multiple spacecraft observations of energetic ions during a high solar wind pressure event", J. Geophys. Res. 110, A11212, doi:10.1029/2005JA011043, 2005.
  44. G. V. Khazanov, E. Krivorutsky and R. B. Sheldon "Solid- and Grid-Sphere Current Collection in View of the TSS-1, TSS-1R Mission Results", J. Geophys. Res. 110, A12304, doi:10.1029/2005JA011100, 2005.
  45. P. H. Yoon, A. T. Y. Lui and R. B. Sheldon, "On the current sheet model with κ-distribution" in Physics of Plasmas, 13(10), pp. 102108-102108-6 (2006).
  46. R. B. Sheldon, T.A. Fritz and J. Chen, "The Quadrupole as a Source of Cusp Energetic Particles: II. The Static Equinoctal Cusp" in Unpublished AGU Monograph, edited by D. Gallagher, 2007.
  47. R. B. Sheldon and R. B. Hoover, "Implications of cometary water: Deep Impact, Stardust and Hayabusa" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology IX, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6309 (Bellingham, WA) pp 6309-0L, 2006.
  48. R. B. Sheldon and R. B. Hoover, "The Cometary Biosphere" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology X, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6694 (Bellingham, WA) pp 6694-0H, 2007.
  49. R. B. Sheldon and R. B. Hoover, "Cosmological Evolution: Spatial Relativity and the Speed of Life" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XI, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7097 (Bellingham, WA) pp 7097-41, 2008.
  50. R. B. Sheldon, T.A. Fritz and J. Chen, "The Quadrupole as a Source of Cusp Energetic Particles: III. Outer Radiation Belt and MeV Electrons" in J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 70, No. 14, pp. 1829-1846, 2008.
  51. R. B. Sheldon, "Space Sciences" in Mass Spectrometry: Instrumentation, Interpretation, and Applications Ekman, Silberring, Brinkmalm, and Kraj eds., Wiley & Sons, pp. 253-266, 2009.
  52. R. B. Sheldon and R. B. Hoover, "Cometary Biosphere and the Origin of Life" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XIV, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8152 (Bellingham, WA) pp 8152-42, 2011.
  53. R. B. Sheldon and R. B. Hoover, "More Evidence for Liquid Water on Comets" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XIV, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8152 (Bellingham, WA) pp 8152-12, 2011.
  54. R. B. Sheldon, "Comets, Information, and the Origin of Life" in Genesis - In The Beginning: Precursors of Life, Chemical Models and Early Biological Evolution, Vol 22 in Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2941-4_21, 2012.
  55. R. B. Sheldon and R. B. Hoover, "Carbonaceous Chondrites as Bioengineered Comets" in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XV, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8521 (Bellingham, WA) pp 8521-21, 2012.
  56. R. L. Clark, R. B. Sheldon and R. O. Werka "Dusty Plasma Based Fission Fragment Nuclear Rocket" in, Proceedings of Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space 2013, paper 6790 February, 2013.
  57. R. B. Sheldon and G. Webb, "Comets and entropy hydrodynamics: How does evolution violate the 2nd law?" in, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XVI, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov and Wickramasinghe eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8965 (Bellingham, WA) pp 8965-09, 2013.
  58. R. B. Sheldon, "Primordial Comets: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Dark Matter and Life" in, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XVII, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov and Wickramasinghe eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9606 (Bellingham, WA) pp 9606-27, 2015.
  59. M. I. Sheldon and R. B. Sheldon, "Arrhenius Reconsidered: Astrophysical Jets and the Spread of Spores" in, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XVII, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov and Wickramasinghe eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9606 (Bellingham, WA) pp 9606-28, 2015.
  60. R. B. Sheldon, "Wet Comet Model: ROSETTA Redux" in, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XVII, Hoover, Levin, Rosanov and Wickramasinghe eds. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9606 (Bellingham, WA) pp 9606-41, 2015.
  61. R. L. Clark and R. B. Sheldon, "A Six Component Model for Dusty Plasma Nuclear Fission Fragment Propulsion" in Proc. Nucl. and Emerging Tech. for Space 2016, 6506, February 2016.
  62. R. B. Sheldon and R. L. Clark, "A Half-Gigawatt Space Power System using Dusty Plasma Fission Fragment Reactor" in Proc. Nucl. and Emerging Tech. for Space 2016, 6505, February 2016.
  63. R. B. Sheldon, "Comets, Water and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis" in, Communications of the Blythe Institute, Vol 3, No. 1, pp. 9-22, 2021.

Special Awards and Honors

  1. Organizer for the Huntsville 2000 Workshop (attendance 85).
  2. NASA Group Achievement Award for AMPTE Mission Operations (1990)
  3. UMd Ralph D. Myers Teaching Award for Graduate Laboratory Teaching Assistant (1986)

Significant Contracts and Grants

  1. Global Electric Field Determination in the Earth's Outer Magnetosphere using Charged Particles.
    NASA ($123k) 1/1991-12/1994
    Acting PI: R. Sheldon, Co-I's: T. Eastman*, D. Hamilton, and C. McIlwain
  2. The Magnetospheric Mapping Mission, NASA ($200k) 2/1997--12/1999
    Acting PI: R. Sheldon, Co-I's: H. Spence*, H. Petschek, G. Siscoe
  3. Remote Sensing of Magnetospheric Structure Using (U,B,K) Analysis of GGS Particle and Field Data
    NASA ($170k) 5/1997--4/1999
    Acting PI: R. Sheldon Co-I's H. Spence*, E. Whipple, G. Parks
  4. ``A Survey of Ring Current Direct Injection Events'', NASA ($40k) 1/1999--1/2001
    PI: R. Sheldon
  5. ``The Spinning Terrella Plasma Accelerator'', UAH ($8.8k) 4/1999--3/2000
    PI: R. Sheldon
  6. ``The Properties of Cusp Diamagnetic Cavities'', NASA ($70k) 6/2000--5/2001
    PI: R. Sheldon
  7. ``Dynamic and Optical Characterization of Dusty Plasmas for Use as Solar Sails''
    NASA ($150k) 6/2001--12/2001.
    PI: R. Sheldon, Co-I: D.Gallagher, M.Adrian, M.Abbas, P.Craven, E.Thomas,Jr.
  8. High Resolution Mass Spectrometer for Lunar Rover
    NASA/MSFC internal grant in 2005
  9. Radioactive Dust Levitation Experiment
    NASA/MSFC internal grant in 2011-2013
  10. Fission Fragment Dusty Plasma Rocket, NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts ($100k), 2011-2012
    PI: Bob Werka, Co-I's: Rob Sheldon and Rod Clark
  11. Afterburner for Fission Fragment Dusty Plasma Rocket, NASA/MSFC Center Innovation Fund ($100k), 2013
    PI: Bob Werka, Co-I's: Rob Sheldon and Rod Clark
  12. Levitating Magnet, Torch Firepit ($20k) 2019--
    R. Sheldon and G. Bergstue
  13. Monocular Ranging Camera, Torch Firepit ($10k) 2023--
    R. Sheldon and D. Vasquez